An Exercise in Futility: My First Quilt
I have thought for some time about making the quilt What a Bunch of Squares from this book. After we just bought our new bed, I decided it was time to get serious. I thought briefly about colors, then headed to the fabric store (I say "the," not "a," due to the serious lack of choices around here) to get just enough to play with. The block pictured above is the result of my first attempt.
Although it is not perfect, I am pleased enough with it. I hadn't expected it to look perfect, and I think it looks functionally close (does that make sense?) to what I had hoped for. I hate to admit this, being someone who is trying to learn to sew, but I am truly terrible at cutting fabric out to specific dimensions. Sadly, I am finding out more and more that this is apparently a crucial sewing skill. Who knew? Heh...
Anyway, while I feel the block turned out alright, and I even like the colors okay (picking out colors that go together is definitely not one of my strong suits), I'm not sure I'm quite as crazy about the pattern as I thought I was, and I don't think I like those colors for our particular room (oh yes, also my husband commented--repeatedly--that the block was very flat, so truly flat...am I going to have to look into high loft batting??? *weeps into her Warm & Natural*). So, while things could have turned out worse (I could have found out I can't sew a square shaped object, the whole thing could have exploded into flames, etc.), I still feel that I'm back to square one. No pun intended. Maybe.
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